About Us

Dharmesh and Manisha, both Chartered Accountants working and living in the UK for almost 10 years were able to get the best personal care products for their daughter, Nishka.

They found these products to be gentle, safe and very baby and kids friendly. Nishka used to enjoy using them.

As clean label products, there was a clear assurance of no usage of chemicals, parabens or other harmful toxins in the products for her hair and body.

On their frequent trips to India, they realised kids were underserved for personal care products. They either used babies’ products or directly used products meant for adults.

What more, most of these products falsely claimed of being organic or natural. On the contrary, still used polymers and other chemicals continuously. Plus, most of them had less than 50 % organic ingredients added. To the fact, most of the companies who claim to be plant-based, have a very little proportion of plant-based ingredients in their products.

On further interaction with other parents, who had similar concerns about the products their little ones were using, they found out that the personal care product offered here for babies and kids lacked authenticity, were mostly harmful chemical laden, had very less proportion of natural ingredients and in some case not even fit for babies or kids’ usage.

Dharmesh & Manisha decided to give up their jobs in tech start-ups in the UK and moved back to India and create wonderful products for millions of little ones in India. This is how Tiny Mighty was born.